Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Left skate

I'm having difficult balancing on my left skate. I'm not sure if this is just because I'm not used to doing it, or because of some fundamental balance issue. For example, perhaps my ankle pronates inwards slightly and I'm not compensating enough. Or perhaps my left foot is slightly narrower at the heel (I think it is a bit) which means that my heel slips a bit to the inside and ruins the balance point. Either way, when I skate on my left foot it has a tendency to go towards the inside edge, and when I apply pressure to the outside of my foot to counteract this, the skate has a tendency to slip away from me a bit.

I tried moving my blade a bit on the left skate. It was only moved about 1 or 2 millimeters, but I'm hoping that it will centre my balance a bit better on that foot. We'll see when I test it out on Wednesday night. I always take my screwdriver with me in my skate bag so I can adjust it back if necessary.

Another option (if this doesn't work) is to put a slanted insole into my skate, so that it alters the pressure of my foot to the outside slightly. I'm not even sure where I could get something like that, but I could always make it myself if need be. It's a pity that my left foot is so unco, because my right foot balance is really fantastic. I can glide the length of the rink with no issues.

Of course, backwards is another matter! I'm still leaning a bit too far forward on my skates when going backwards, causing me to drag my bottom toe pick across the ice a bit. With practise and confidence I will learn to balance at the right spot.