Back in Bidness!
I was back on the ice this morning for the first time in almost 2 weeks, and it sure felt good. Just the feeling of gliding over the surface was unbelievable... the lack of friction... the sensation of flying (kinda)... heightened by my absence! And I wasn't nearly as unco as I thought I would be, so that's good!
Caught up with Anna and Michelle, who both expressed interest in just where-the-hell-have-I-been! I explained the calf injury and they was all cool. Especially when I told them that I got the injury from squash -- not skating :)
Had a great lesson with Trevor, and I tried not to do anything too tricky. My hockey stops have improved in my absence from the ice (what the?), and every thing else stayed about the same. I guess having a break now and then is good!
I have been practising my spins in the loungeroom and kitchen with socks on lately, trying to get used to getting into the backspin position (which is left leg crossed over in front of the right leg) quickly. Unfortunately, it did not translate to the ice as well as I had hoped. Well, that might be because I don't know how to do a one-foot spin on the ice yet, so I had to two-footers, and they don't feel the same. So my ice spinning has definitely gone backwards as far as two feet is concerned. It will be interesting when I start spinning on one foot to see if I've got good balance from my recent practise or not. Is it useless? I don't know, but it's fun!
Michelle didn't skate for long, citing tiredness. She mentioned that she was out swing dancing till midnight last night, which really got me interested! I love swing! It's my fave dance! She told me about this place that she goes to which has a swing dance every second Friday night, so I'll be heading along to the next one to give it a whirl (in two weeks).
I loved getting back out there! It was wild and I can't wait for tomorrow morning! Yay for the amazing healing human body!
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