Smooth as a baby's...
There is no finer feeling than skating on a well-maintained rink. The last couple of weeks the rink has been resurfaced a bit, and the ice is just unbelievably smooth. A true joy to skate on. Tricks that were hard before are now easy. The sensation of flying is intensified. I LOVE IT!
I believe they are able to look after it better now that the hockey playoffs are over. Anyone in Melbourne should get down to Olympic Ice Rink now while it's still great!
On a personal note, my hockey stops (at least in the anti-clockwise direction) are a thing of beauty. I can madly skate at full speed down the rink and do a massive 8 foot skid at the end, spraying ice in the air. It is so much fun! I'm the envy of my skating buddies, as none of them can do a decent hockey stop -- some can't even manage a bad hockey stop! It's weird like that -- some skills are easy for you and hard for others, and vice versa. Perhaps that's why the sport is so addictive... there's always so much to learn and improve.